How to Recognize and Dispose of Lawn Disease and Pests

Caring properly for your lawn requires regular mowing, watering, and consistently examining for insects.  If you are like countless other homeowners in Medford, Oregon, you have encountered an uninvited guest or guests on your property at some point or another. Insects can pull nutrients from your grass, which can cause roots to be damaged and may even cause permanent damage to your lawn. Most individuals opt not to use toxic forms of insecticides on lawns due to the presence of children and animals. Protecting your lawn from damaging insects can take effort and time, but it is important to know how to shield it from insect damage. Consider the following advice to further ensure the protection of your lawn’s health.


Red Grass

One of the most common lawn diseases is red grass, which causes patches of grass to form red colors. This can quickly cause the grass to die, so try treating the lawn with ammonium sulfate as soon as you detect any evidence of red grass. In addition, regularly aerate to enhance air distribution.


Rusty Grass

Rusty grass is a disease that tends to spread quickly in a lawn, resulting in yellow areas of grass. There is no chemical solution for this issue, but routine mowing procedures and removing clippings can deter this disease from spreading to your entire lawn.


Snow Mold

This is a fungal disease that typically appears after snow and manifests itself as brown-yellow, and sometimes white regions on a lawn. This disease can distribute itself quickly throughout a lawn and destroy it altogether. To deter snow mold, do not use feeds that are high in nitrogen.



Anthills are eyesores on a lawn, and many people use biological agents to get rid of them. Typical ant sprays are not effective on lawns, as they are typically used in homes and buildings where ants do not have the ability to nest in hollow areas in the soil.


Mushroom Rings

These appear to look like toadstools or mushrooms growing in your lawn. Chemical solutions are typically unavailable to people who are not verified experts, so if you want to rid your lawn of this, it might be best to call a professional.

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