Don’t Postpone Your Spring Yard Work

21550827_sThe spring season is a great time for outdoor landscaping activities. Especially in the early spring before the heavy rains begin.

If you have any spring clean-up yard work that needs doing, here are some reasons not to wait:

Emerging buds. The new growth that occurs during the spring season can be quite delicate. Flowers that are in the budding stage are fragile and should be left undisturbed to blossom. Doing your landscaping and clean-up yard work before these buds begin to show will ensure that none of the budding flowers and fruits will be damaged and will be left to grow and blossom. Activities like blowing leaves, trimming shrubs, and limbing trees should all be done in early spring before buds begin to show.

As the warm weather becomes more reliable you are going to be less inspired to be doing yard work in favor of outdoor activities that are more recreational and fun. Getting your landscaping and spring yard work done in the early spring months will free up the rest of your spring and summer months for activities that are more fun. The sooner you can your yard cleaned up the more time you will have for fun.

Get ahead of the weeds. During the winter months the weather is cold and therefor the ground is cold all but suppressing the growth of weeds in your landscaping and lawn. The sooner you can get your yard spring cleaned and mulched the more suppressed the growth of the weeds will be and the less work you will have to do. Once the weather warms up, the weeds will be zapped to life and you will have a much bigger project on your hands.

The summer weather means barbeques with friends and family, kids playing in the sprinklers, and warm nights on the patio with a cold drink. Making sure your yard is tidy and landscaped is part of the preparation for these summer activities and the sooner you get it done the sooner you can plan for the real fun. Don’t put off getting your spring yard work done as you could be causing yourself more work in the long run.

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