Daylilies: Should You Plant Them?

Planting bulbs:  Daylilies

planting dayliliesIf you’re looking for a new plant to add to your lawn or garden, then daylilies is one of your best bet. Why?

Well, for one, daylilies are pretty – that you can’t deny. They come in a variety of colors and shades, and makes for a wonderful addition to any landscape. You can plant them in rows and enjoy a wave of daylilies swaying in the wind, or you can plant them near garden fixtures to enhance their appeal. Just don’t plant them anywhere near trees or other plants that will compete for nutrients and moisture.

Another reason is that daylilies are pretty easy to plant and maintain. In fact, they are known to be one of those flowering plants that require very little care at all. Some say that you can even plant them and forget about them, and yet they would be fine. Although they grow best in slightly acidic and moist soil, there are varieties that can grow in other types of soil mixture. Also, you can plant the bulbs in fall without worry of them dying in the winter – provided you protect them with a mulch of straw or shredded leaves. They are rugged and adaptable plants and can survive for years and years.

Speaking of years, did you know that daylilies are not “true” lilies? They belong to the genus Hemerocallis, which in English means “Day Beauty.” Now, this is quite fitting since each daylily flower can only survive one day. Some varieties will bloom in the evening and die the evening of the following day. But don’t fret, because each daylily plant produce an abundant number of flowers that will grow and blossom over a long, long period of time.

So let’s see…

… pretty flowers with lovely blooms… check!

… easy to plant… check!

… little, almost no maintenance… check!

Hmm, need we say more?

Seriously, if you are looking for a strong yet beautiful flowering plant for your lawn or garden, daylilies are one of your best options. They are easy to take care of and won’t take up much of your time. With these types of flowers, you can ensure that you will have a colorful and attractive lawn or garden come spring and all throughout summer.

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