Most people do their planting in the spring. That is the time of year when the weather thaws and the landscape starts to ‘come alive’. But, the fall is actually a great time of year for planting as well. If the spring is the time when the landscape wakes up, then the fall is when it goes to sleep. But, there are plenty of things that you can plant before Mother Nature tucks everything in.
In fact, the fall season is when most nurseries and garden departments put their plants, bulbs, trees, shrubs, etc. on deep discount in an effort to move the inventory out before winter officially arrives. That means you can do your fall planting on a budget, and purchase some things that you may not otherwise. What better way to diversify your landscaping than to take some risks and think outside of the box!
Here are some of the more popular fall planting items:
- Perennials: When you are shopping your local garden department, the perennials might look a little sad. These plants can get pretty dreary looking when it’s cold outside and that makes them less than desirable for purchase. But, if you’re a serious gardener (or, just an adventurous one!) then you know that the main thing to look at is the root system. If your perennials have a healthy looking root system, put them in the ground quick and in the spring they will not disappoint.
- Some of the most popular bulbs are perfect for planting in the fall. These include tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils. If you’re looking forward to a bountiful yard come Easter, put your bulbs in the ground now and give them a head start on the spring time thaw. The roots still have some time to get a good hold of the soil before the winter frost comes.
- Trees and shrubs. These are the ‘big ticket’ items for most landscape and can be pretty spendy. But, with the discounts that happen this time of year it is definitely worth a look around your local nursery. Planting trees and shrubs in the fall can give them a good amount of time to take root before the winter frost arrives. Then, when the spring thaw comes they will already have substantial hold and will only grow more vibrant in the spring weather.
Adding beauty and depth to your home is fun and easy to do with fall season planting. While it might not look too impressive right away, your hard work will pay off in a few months when the spring time arrives.