Yard Work That Should Be Done In February

If you love working outdoors in your yard or your garden, February is the month for you. This is one of those months where seasons seem to run into each other and we see a glimpse of the weather from the season to come.

February has a couple of days – weeks, if we’re lucky – where the very cold temperatures lift, and reveal some sunny days where taking a walk, going to the park, and working in the yard are not so uncomfortable.

Pick one of these sunny days, and do some of the following tasks to get your garden and your yard ready for the spring season. Any of these that you are able to get done will give you a head start on spring, and ensure a good season of growth and bloom.

February tasks to get done in your yard and garden this year:

  • Any winter shrubs or bushes that you have will likely need a good trim this time of year. During the winter months, the branches can take a beating and become damaged beyond repair. It is best to trim these bushes back and let them start fresh for spring. Because these bushes are capable of withstanding a winter season, you can prune them without being worried that they won’t bounce back.
  • If you have any trees or shrubs that are deciduous, and would like to move them, this is the time to do that. Just make sure that the soil that you are moving them to isn’t water logged or frozen. It is best to dig the hole that you are moving them to first, and take stock of the condition of the soil. Then dig up your shrub or tree and move it.
  • If you would like beautiful lilies blooming at Easter this year, now is the time to plant the bulbs. Make sure to tend the soil well, and cover the holes with a layer of mulch just in case there is one last freeze before spring time.

If you are planning on having a vegetable garden this year, now is the time to get the soil ready. Mulching the soil, adding your compost, tending the seeds, etc. are all steps that should be taken now so that your spring time garden has the best chance to grow.

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