How To Use Landscaping To Keep Your Home Cool

27776025_sSummer time is here and that means spending time outdoors doing things like camping, swimming, and boating. But, it also means hopping from one patch of shade to another trying to stay cool and protected from the sun’s harmful rays. It is no secret that trees provide a great amount of shade and that sitting under a shady tree will keep you cool. Here are some other benefits to using your landscaping for keeping your property cool:

Planting a tree in close proximity to your home so that is shades your roof can save you more than 20% per month on your power bill for heating and cooling costs.

Having trees in your yard providing shade can make your yard more than 5 degrees cooler than a yard without trees. This can mean the difference between heat in the triple digits and double digits on some summer days.

Trees that provide shade to your lawn can keep the blades and the ground more than 20 degrees cooler than pavement. This means that your lawn will benefit from being watered more and you will get more from your water bill.

When your home is heated from the sun’s rays, the heat rises and is trapped in the attic space. Having trees planted on your property that provide shade to the roof will reduce the need for your air conditioner to run so often and will improve your air conditioner’s energy efficiency by over 10%.

One tree that provides shade provides the same amount of cooling as more than ten air conditioners – without using any power source.

Having three trees planted on your property that provide shade to your home will lead to a reduction in your cooling bill by nearly 50%.

Talk with your professional landscaper about which kind of trees would work best for providing shade to your property. Also, which trees are the best for growing in your area and those that are easiest to take care of. For instance, deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter allowing any amount of sun to reach and warm your home, while providing plenty of shade in the summer.

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