How to Prepare Your Landscape for Fall

Fall is just around the corner, meaning it’s time to prepare your landscape against the weather changes. Your commercial property can sustain significant damage due to lower temperatures and fallen leaves, so it’s beneficial to have your landscape adequately cleaned and ready. Below are some key strategies to have your landscape efficiently prepared for fall.

Pull Weeds

Your commercial building can look unkept and hazardous if the first thing your clients see is a giant mess of weeds. When temperatures drop, weeds can become more challenging to remove, so pulling them from the ground as soon as possible is wise.

Add Nutrients to the Soil

After you’ve pulled the weeds from your garden bed, you can add nutrients to the soil to help it remain fertile after fall and winter. Whether you add compost, mulch, leaf litter, or other similar nutrients, anything can enrich your soil and keep your garden in great condition.

Remove Fallen Leaves

It’s no secret: nearby trees will begin to lose their leaves once fall arrives. Not only can these make your commercial landscape look unsightly, but they can be dangerous if left alone. The last situation you want to be in is having a client get into a car accident on your property due to wet leaves. Also, leaves can attract bugs and block sunlight, so it’s best to have them removed as early as possible.

Hire a Professional Landscaping Company

You likely have more important tasks than maintaining your landscape and keeping your garden beds pristine. Instead of taking time away from work to prepare for the fall, have our team at Bumgardners Landscape assist you. We have several years of experience helping clients throughout Medford, OR, and we’re happy to help you. Contact us today with any questions you have.

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